The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
– Mahatma Ghandi
Internal Service
Chair - University Committee on Teaching
After serving as the chair of the George R. Brown Teaching Awards Subcommittee and implementing widespread reform to better align teaching awards with the faculty body at Rice, Dr. Kabiri is now serving as chair of the overall Committee on Teaching. This committee has a general charge to propose and review procedures to enhance the quality of teaching at the university.
Faculty Senate - Natural Sciences
Dr. Kabiri serves as a faculty senator representing non-tenure-track faculty within the Wiess School of Natural Sciences. She will remain in this role from 2023-2026. The Faculty Senate is a representative body of the university faculty formed to investigate, discuss, and decide on matters concerning the academic affairs of the university.
Rice-UTMB Physical Therapy Scholars Program Advisor
Rice Sports Medicine & Exercise Physiology (SMEP) majors interested in pursuing a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree (DPT) may apply for the Rice-UTMB Physical Therapy Scholars (PTS) program. The Rice-UTMB PTS program is a collaboration between Rice University and The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston’s Department of Physical Therapy housed in the School of Health Professions. Through this collaboration and subject to the number of slots available, up to three (3) Rice-UTMB PTS graduates who also meet all UTMB DPT admission requirements will be offered non-competitive admission into the UTMB Doctor of Physical Therapy annual cohort each upcoming fall. Dr. Kabiri serves as the Rice program advisor and coordinator.
Divisional Advisor - Natural Sciences
Dr. Kabiri is very proud to be a Divisional Advisor for the Natural Sciences at McMurtry College! In this role, she spends "O-Week" (orientation week) with incoming freshmen interested in studying the Natural Sciences. Through group and individual advising, students explore the different majors and courses of study available within the Wiess School of Natural Sciences.
Faculty Associate - McMurtry College
Since 2018, Dr. Kabiri has been a faculty associate for McMurtry college. She enjoys engaging with the students and can regularly be found enjoying lunch in the commons or a picnic outside. O-Week activities are always exciting to meet incoming Murts, but making homemade treats for her Sweet & Salty Study Breaks at the end of each semester is the BEST! Don’t forget, STRESSED spelled backward is DESSERTS 😊
External Service
Habitat for Horses
Her most recent volunteer work is through Habitat for Horses on 434 acres of grassy pastureland in Alvin, Texas. Here, she helps groom and socialize an eclectic and ever-changing number of rescued equines, including former racing horses, wild mustangs, minis, donkeys, and mules! Helping these amazing creatures heal in body and spirit while waiting for their forever homes is incredibly rewarding.
Medical Massage Team – Chevron Houston Marathon
Dr. Kabiri proudly served as the Medical Massage Team Captain for the Chevron Houston Marathon for many years. Through this role, she involved Rice students in hands-on experiential learning opportunities providing medical massage and stretching to runners from all over the globe at this annual event. More information on the first crew to assist in this capacity can be found at
Houston Food Bank
Along with her family, Dr. Kabiri has been a regular volunteer at the Houston Food Bank. While all activities and projects have been rewarding, the Backpack Buddies program is her favorite.
Animal Assisted Therapy
Several years ago, Dr. Kabiri discovered the joy of animal assisted therapy while visiting children’s hospitals with her last dog Hannah through a local organization. While Hannah is no longer with us, her new cattle dog/dalmatian mix rescue Margo brings great joy.